
Widely reputed as the greatest scientific discovery in human history, Eternity.8 has completely changed the face of human society.

First developed in 2037 by a multi-national team of researchers, including Maria Yunho and Boris Aardman, Eternity.8 was a synthesis of several decades of work on two previously separate fields of science. It combined the considerable advances that had been made in the gene altering field of cryogenetics, with the ground-breaking new delivery method of Laser Gene Sequencing (LGS). For the first time, a cryogenetic compound was being almost simultaneously introduced into every cell in the human body with amazing effects. The Eternity.8 compound modifies the human genetic code, effectively halting the ageing process.

Following the initial successful tests of Eternity.8, it was introduced onto the open market in 2039, amidst howls of outrage throughout the scientific community about the fast-tracked ethics approval process that the treatment received. The global controversy surrounding Eternity.8 has been unparralleled in human history, with the struggle between the Antideath and Prodeath movements consuming global politics. There is little doubt however, that this amazing discovery has changed the surface of our world beyond recognition. It remains to be seen whether the world can come to a peaceful solution to the many social, medical and ecological problems that the Eternity.8 has created.

- Pachydermis Lubulous

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